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Clean the Streets Campaign

Hey readers! So here's a thing I've started because I'm sick of getting funny looks while I'm carrying a bin bag around my local streets while picking up litter.

I've decided to launch this campaign and see if I can encourage other like-minded individuals to join me in fighting the litter problem in their own down time and encourage others to take a second look and normalise volunteering on every day of the week. 

Honestly, I absolutely love volunteering and getting out and about to all sorts of landcare events; beach clean ups, weeding events, path care, etc. It's awesome! And you should do it too! Just google local landcare groups and get involved. But you don't need to go to an organised event or join an active group to help the environment, you can do it while you're walking the dog or just hanging out at your local park; no time limits, no specified locations, just you showing you care about all our environments, including streetscapes. 

I'm not going to lie, you definitely don't need a t-shirt to do this; so if you're already a regular litter-picker-upper, then let me know in the comments (and post some photos of your full trash bags!) but I'd really appreciate you sharing it around or buying a t-shirt to let everyone around you know you're happy volunteering to care for our environment and keep plastics out of our waterways and wildlife's mouths! 

All proceeds will go towards encouraging people to learn about and get involved in helping the environment. woohoo! 

Okay here's the link




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