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Showing posts from November, 2018

Five reasons why environmentalists have 'BEEF' with livestock

It is no secret that the way humanity has used the earth in the short time that we have been the "dominant" species on this planet has been problematic and unsustainable. In recent years, it has come to light that we've caused a mass of problems to our environment and we need large scale shifts in our methods pretty quickly if we hope to continue having a habitable planet.  What's this got to do with cows? One of the areas that I am passionate about, and that is coming more and more to the forefront in environmental conversations recently is the extremely damaging way we are producing (and wasting) our food. The least efficient and most environmentally damaging food source we generate on mass scale is animal products , particularly red meats such as Beef and Lamb . Like most of my posts, I'm going to centre this one around what's happening in Australia because the bulk of our readers are Aussies (hi guys!), and because Australians have an extrao

Why Ladybirds are great for your garden and how to attract them!

Ladybirds! Every child loves the sight of ladybirds (also called ladybugs or lady beetles), they're such charming little bugs and they're so sweet and unassuming, they're one of the best bugs to show to your kids as a teaching tool about insects because they're very gentle, usually quite slow, they've got vibrant colours and they don't (usually) bite!! Amazing!! In Australia we have a many varieties of ladybirds - about 500 species in fact ; just like we have hundreds of species of native bees !! They are helpful in your garden for two MASSIVE reasons: 1. They're one of our native pollinators and play a very important role in the ecosystem  Vital pollinators! won't do much good on a blanket though! 2. They (and all stages of their larvae) eat aphids! Which helps keep their numbers down naturally in your garden Ladybug larvae look HARDCORE!! Check it out!! ^ Aphids and mealybugs can cause a lot of damage in the garden, but t

Clean the Streets Campaign

Hey readers! So here's a thing I've started because I'm sick of getting funny looks while I'm carrying a bin bag around my local streets while picking up litter. I've decided to launch this campaign and see if I can encourage other like-minded individuals to join me in fighting the litter problem in their own down time and encourage others to take a second look and normalise volunteering on every day of the week.  Honestly, I absolutely love volunteering and getting out and about to all sorts of landcare events; beach clean ups, weeding events, path care, etc. It's awesome! And you should do it too! Just google local landcare groups and get involved. But you don't need to go to an organised event or join an active group to help the environment, you can do it while you're walking the dog or just hanging out at your local park; no time limits, no specified locations, just you showing you care about all our environments, including streetscapes.