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All About Bees in Australia (and how you can help!)

"Save the Bees"

This slogan is everywhere right now, accompanied by images of honeybees and empty supermarket fresh produce sections sparking concern about the future of bees. We really need to broaden the scope. Focussing solely on honeybees does a grave injustice to the beautiful pollinators out there who could be just as much at risk. There are MANY more types of bees in the world than honeybees, in Australia alone, there are over 1,600 native bee species, it is a diverse and beautiful branch of the insect world. Then there are other pollinators, including beetles, butterflies, flies, ants, birds, bats etc. Our planet WOULD survive without honeybees, they've only landed the scapegoat role because they're so profitable, I doubt they'd die off (people protect their money that way). If you've read our 'about' page you may guess our skepticism towards profit-focused campaigns - and the bee business is BIG business (>100 million dollars in 2014-15 in Australia). Which isn't all bad, even though I don't agree with beekeeping, it HAS helped alert us to a problem - colony collapse disorder of social bees and the loss of other pollinators.

Biome Eco Stores - Zero Waste, Toxin Free, Ethical Choices
Okay, let's get into the nitty gritty. There are colony collapses of honeybees and other pollinators worldwideThe hype is focused on three factors; a type of pesticide (neonicotinoids), bee-infecting diseases and parasites, and wild habitat lossThey're all to blame. The  Varroa mite is highlighted as concerning by beekeepers, but doesn't seem to infect wild bees (some parasites and diseases do jump from honeybees to wild bees). The trouble with neonicotinoids is their effect on insect nervous systems and grooming ability, which leaves them vulnerable to infection; even if bees *technically* dye from disease, it's tricky because neonicotinoid exposure could have had a part in that. It has been revealed that this chemical leaves residues on wild plants as well, meaning the impact is much more widespread than first assumed. There's loads of information and misinformation floating around about the harmfulness of neonicotinoids. Overall, the evidence pinpoints neonicotinoids as a huge problem for pollinating insects (even in Australia), revealing an issue in pesticide and herbicide regulation. This has led to a huge fight against big business to try and curb the use of these chemicals. Unfortunately, money usually wins and here - the perception of profit increase from pesticide use  and the profit from selling chemicals currently trumps beekeeping profit and the voices of environmental activists - leaving neonicotinoids on the market. 

Honeybee keeping is not a solution. 

While researching I happened across several concerned people wanting to help by becoming backyard beekeepers - let me tell you why that's not a good idea.

a) Beekeeping is stressful for bees; quite simply, the purpose of hives is to PROTECT honey. If you want evidence that bees don't like commercial hives, try harvesting one without protection. The smoking that "pacifies" bees, actually triggers a survival response of honey consumption to try and conserve the energy stored from potential fire, when bees are full of honey their movements become slower; and this often misinterpreted as those bees being "calm". I don't know about you, but if I'm saving the most precious thing I own from a potentially devastating fire, I'm FAR FROM CALM. 

b) Farming honeybees puts them in environments where they will compete with native pollinators', the study just referenced found:

 "native bees were more than three times more abundant at the few sites where honeybees were absent, compared to those where they were present." 

there is evidence that imported bees harm Australian ecosystems. Introduced bees are classed as invasive species' by the Australian Government Department of Environment and Energy  particularly; European Honeybees, Asian Honeybees and BumblebeesThese species have all managed to set up feral colonies in native bushland. This isn't unique - our ecosystem has been badly damaged by intentionally and unintentionally introduced animals such as foxes, rabbits, rats, cats and cane toads. 

c) Imported bees spread diseases to wild bees. History shows that native wildlife, History shows that native wildlife, particularly in areas as ecologically isolated as Australia, are NOT well equipped to handle foreign diseases. That causes a great big problem. 

d) Introduced bees spread introduced weeds especially those native to where they're from - often plants will co-evolve with their pollinators in their native environments. Most weeds require pollination and their pervasiveness is dependent on them producing a lot of seeds very quickly, so while there are very few studies on the effect introduced bees have on weed spread, there is some evidence that this mutually beneficial relationship increases the damage that weeds do to our native environment.

e) Ecological diversity is essential for pollination robustness, and is impacted by natural environments, this bigger picture reveals that farming one type of pollinator won't solve a problem that effects the whole pollination web. The key to solving this issue is to instead restore the environment to the kind of habitat that pollinators can thrive in naturally. 

I understand that we'd prefer not to associate honey (bee vomit) with ecological problems but the fact is, the Save the Bees campaign doesn't seem to mention that beekeeping puts our wild bees at risk AND it fails to highlight the thousands of other pollinating species we should be taking care of too. 

**side note: I came across some feral honeybees while hiking. Here are some photos** 

Feral European honeybees in the Australian bush, a colony set up in a fallen log in regional Victoria 2018.
Honeycomb that had fallen from the nest of the feral honeybees. This was the day after it fell from the nest, we saw it on the first day and it still had honey and baby bees inside - unfortunately that photo wasn't particularly in focus but in this image you can see the bees have moved the honey and their babies back to the safety of the hive inside the log.

Allergic reactions

Are imported honeybees really great have around? Let's look at ANAPHYLAXIS. That is, severe allergic reactions which can result in death. Between 1993 and 2013 hospital admissions for anaphylaxis increased 4 fold and the number of allergies in Australia is growing. 18% of anaphylactic deaths are caused by insects, and of those:

"The Honey Bee is the most common cause of allergic reactions to insects in Australia."

Bees cause approximately 2 deaths each year in Australia. Australian native honeybees are stingless and can't cause anaphylaxis. If you must keep bees, go for natives.

But what about our fruits and vegetables!!??! 

Never fear! most of our staples are self or wind pollinating and don't require pollinators. I couldn't find evidence that we need any specific bee to pollinate crops. On a wikipedia (I know, I know) list, the only crops listed as solely pollinated by honeybees are quince, karite and guar bean (even then, pollinator impact for guar bean is noted as of little importance) then there is this study that includes a chart of crops and their polinators and while some crops show the majority of visits were from honey bees, they're definitely not our staple groceries - none of them would severely impact standard Australians' diets if they were left out. On the whole, honeybees are not more effective than other pollinators, their little legs can barely hold much pollen at all! Compare that to the Australian native Blue-banded bee (plus their ability to buzz-pollinate), Carpenter bee or Teddybear bee and there's just no competition. I investigated crops that are spoken about as reliant on honeybees, and found that other pollination methods (like hand pollination) are more effective, AND that other insects (such as hover flies, for avocadosalso play a significant pollination role. In fact, wild pollinators (especially when diverse) if provided with natural habitats seem to be more efficient at pollinating crops, especially when there are a number of species. Studies show that planting wildflowers alongside crops to encourage a broad range of pollinators rather than using commercial bee hives actually increases crop yield

"Wild bees are known to improve seed set, quality, shelf life, and commercial value of a variety of crops"

Valuing natives over imports:

a) Importing solutions from Europe and the UK is SOO two centuries ago. Our natives are just as effective or better at pollination anyway.

b) Australian social bees (Tetragonula sp.) do not sting (some native bees sting, but they're far less dangerous than imported bees, because 1. they're usually too small to sting; 2. they're found in small numbers; 3. their nests are tiny and difficult to disturb and; 4. they aren't aggressive. 

b) Honeybees can make native plants (like grevillea) less attractive to native pollinators by stealing nectar and not taking any pollen. And 

Introduced bees are the primary pollinators of a number of serious weeds; causing ecological problems because weeds can seriously reduce the suitability of habitats for our natives

c) Native bees are super cute!!! 

Dawson's burrowing bee. Via Dr. Terry Houston and Aussie bees 
Teddy Bear Bee - photo from AussieBees
Blue Banded Bee - Photo via Peter O and AussieBees

Some practical actions to do right now:

Plant native flowering plants, pollinators and beneficial bugs need the right habitat and food to thrive, in our modernised concrete-filled world, their habitats shrink and become isolated. Plant wildflowers and petition your council to convert nature strips and roundabouts into beautiful wildflower fields. Natives bees like imported plants too so grow lavender, thyme, and a veggie patch if you're that way inclined.

Provide a dynamic environment including water, don't just have lawn, have a landscape! One with textures like bare earth (burrowing native bees create tiny mounds of dirt, hooray!) pebbles and straw mulch (also attracts earthworms; incredibly beneficial to soil quality - stay tuned for a post on that) hollow twigs (gather pruning into a pile), and a garden pond, bird bath, or simply make a bee drinking fountain using a ceramic bowl and pebbles, if the water sits just at the pebbles' surface bees will land to drink! Make your garden a happy habitat and birds and insects will pop by. Not only does this make your garden more interesting to fauna, it makes it more interesting for YOU and for your children. (DON'T have a garden? A bee habitat on a balcony is easy too!)

Build or buy a native bee hotel. Most native bees are solitary and don't build hives; instead, they lay eggs in burrows or small holes in timber. Bee hotels are attractive garden ornaments and building them is as easy as grabbing some wood and drilling various sized holes; a great activity to teach kids about ecology and protecting native species'. Hang them somewhere that gets some morning sunlight and soon you'll see native bees utilising those little wood hollows. Make sure your bee hotel is actually beneficial to bees by reading this article

Or buy this round hotel Or this bigger one

DON'T USE pesticides or herbicides. Provide a safe haven for pollinators. It's unnecessary to use chemicals. Instead, work WITH the environment. Handle weeds with boiling water and vinegar or by pulling them (the best choice). Naturally discourage pests by using coffee grounds or peppermint tea spray as deterrent. ENCOURAGE beneficial predatory insects (like ladybugs) by growing mint, yarrow, dill, lemon balm, or oregano together in pots; allowing you to move them about the garden and place them next to plants affected by aphids or other pests - ladybugs particularly like yarrow  and their larvae eat aphids and scale insects. If you MUST use a chemical - use one that quickly degrades, is safe for your family, and that needs to be applied directly to pests so you know you're not killing beneficials - my suggestion is dishwashing detergent mixed in a spray bottle with water.

PETITION AND PROTEST AGAINST NEONICOTINOIDS AND OTHER PESTICIDES. Lobby for more regulations around herbicides and pesticides, buy organic produce and talk to local farms about using wildflowers and companion herbs 
instead of beehives and chemicals; write to local councils and papers, share this post on social media, and get people talking about it!

Biome Eco Stores - Zero Waste, Toxin Free, Ethical Choices 



*The sources are linked throughout the article*
For ease I will also list them here - please don't assume that an article is not adequately sourced and referenced if you did not investigate external links throughout the text - this is how many blog posts link to their research. As usual, I only link open source references, this is so I can be as transparent as possible and to encourage all my readers to dig in and read the science themselves.

These are (obviously) not all scientific papers, I've also linked to a variety of other resources which I am satisfied provides good, sound information more in depth than I've provided here (and to government website etc. to provide insight into regulations and laws in Australia). 


Special thanks to a good friend of mine, Ben, who has done research and written on this topic previously and was able to inform my research and my discussion; I owe a lot of my initial knowledge on this topic to him and he is still a great deal more knowledgeable on the efficacy of the honeybee, the colony collapse phenomenon, and using native wildflowers to entice crop pollination than I am. I'm very grateful for his time and effort.

I found this (search Terry Houston) Book: A guide to Native Bees of Australia by Dr. Terry Houston to be very informative about Native Bees (Thanks for the gift, mum and dad!)


  1. Wow! Great article ... I can see wildflowers in my garden along with a big veggie patch and pots of mint and oregano strategically placed. Thanks PSthinkaboutit.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting! I’m sure we can arrange an amazing bee-friendly habitat 😘😘🐝🐝🐝

  2. Thanks for such an informative article!! Going to go find some wildflower seeds and drop some onto our nature strip. 🫢


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