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Showing posts from August, 2018

All About Bees in Australia (and how you can help!)

"Save the Bees" This slogan is everywhere right now, accompanied by images of honeybees and empty supermarket fresh produce sections sparking concern about the future of bees. We really need to broaden the scope. Focussing solely on honeybees does a grave injustice to the beautiful pollinators out there who could be just as much at risk.  There are  MANY more types of bees in the world than honeybees , in Australia alone, there are over 1,600 native bee species , it is a diverse and beautiful branch of the insect world. Then there are other pollinators , including  beetles, butterflies, flies, ants, birds, bats etc . Our planet  WOULD  survive without honeybees, they've only  landed the scapegoat role because they're so profitable , I doubt they'd die off (people protect their money that way). I f you've read our  'about' page  you may guess our skepticism towards profit-focused campaigns - and the bee business is BIG business ( >100 millio

Always Thank the Bus Driver

I am continually astonished by the way I see people treat others, particularly those in service-type roles. Bus drivers, mail deliverers, kiosk workers, retail attendees, janitors, airline flight attendants and supermarket check out assistants are among the biggest targets for rude behaviour and this has to change. I used to commute to work by taking a train and then taking a bus service; It is a very popular bus (I worked at a university) and there were always lines of people standing - bored, untalking, unmoving, at the train station bus stop waiting for the bus to the university and, of course, there were always lines of people at the university waiting for the bus going back to the train. Day after day I commuted with dozens of passengers and day after day I watched most of them get on the bus without making eye contact or acknowledging the driver, and at the end of the trip they got off silently, as if the bus was merely an inconvenience, an obstacle in their schedule an